girls in class


How to Apply

Our admission process is designed to ensure a seamless and tailored experience for your child. From determining the appropriate year group to offering taster days and welcome events, we are committed to making the journey to Bishopsgate a smooth and positive one. This page outlines how you can apply for you child to join our vibrant community.

Academic year and age placement

At Bishopsgate, our academic year runs from 1st September to 31st August. The year group your child should be placed in is determined by their birth date. In Nursery, all children should have turned four by the end of the academic year, ensuring they are ready for their educational journey.

Steps to Admission

Step 1: Enquiry and Prospectus

Begin by making an online or direct enquiry to our admissions department. Upon receiving your enquiry, we will send you a School prospectus that includes information about availability for the required year group.

Step 2: School visit

Arrange a visit to our School, where you will have the opportunity to meet the Headmaster, take a tour, and interact with our teaching staff and pupils. This visit allows you to experience our school environment first hand.

Step 3: Registration and fee

Once you decide to register your child, their name will be added to the entry list, or waiting list, for the relevant age/ year group. For inclusion on the list, a non-refundable registration fee of £100 per child is required at this stage.

During the year preceding the date of entry, a deposit of £1,000 is required for each child to guarantee a place. At the end of the pupil’s time at Bishopsgate, the deposit will be refunded.

Step 4: Waiting List and priority

Waiting list places are typically offered in order of registration. However, we also consider factors such as siblings waiting to join and maintaining a balanced gender distribution within classes. Priority will be given to families already at the School. In the event that limited places have multiple registrations, we reserve the right to move a child to the top of the waiting list if immediate places become available for their family.

Step 5: Taster Days - Assessment Days

Children who are joining us in Nursery and Reception are invited in for a ‘Stay and Play’ taster session.  Before this, we also contact their nurseries to get to know the children before they come for their visit.

For children entering Reception to Year 3, we arrange a taster day where they can sample life at Bishopsgate. This day includes familiarisation with their year group, as well as assessments in Reading and Maths for Years 1 to 2, and testing in Maths and English for those going into Year 3.

For children entering Years 5 – 8, we arrange an Assessment Day where they can enjoy a day with us at Bishopsgate.  This day includes testing in Maths and English, CAT tests and an interview with the Headmaster as well as meeting others in the same year group.

Matching your child’s needs

We take a gently selective approach to ensure that we match your child’s needs and character to the ethos and fabric of Bishopsgate. Our shared goal is to provide a balanced and well-rounded education that enables your child to thrive and make a positive contribution to school life.

Special Educational Needs

It is important for parents to declare any identified Special Educational Needs during the admissions process. By doing so, we can respond appropriately and assess any necessary support for your child’s educational journey.

Step 6: Offer and Deposit

Following a successful taster or assessment day and an offer of a place at Bishopsgate, a deposit of £1,000 is required to confirm acceptance of the offer and secure your child’s place.

Step 7: Welcome Mornings

During the Summer term, specific welcome mornings are organised for each year group from Nursery to Year 7. These events provide an opportunity for all children joining the school in September to get acquainted with their new environment.